New on YouTube: Thoughts on function analysis

My thoughts on functional analysis started as a loose blog series on LinkedIn. In the meantime, the discussion has gone a little further. In this video, I summarize my presentation on the topic, which I gave at the 3rd German TRIZ Conference on 19.6.2024, in English: „Thoughts on function analysis. Developing Function Analysis into the Future”

  1. Meta-level of functional analysis: The procedure consists of two separate steps: model building and analyzing the model. By considering these two steps separately, we can optimize them and adapt them to their respective requirements.
  2. Domain-specific functional analysis: each domain has its own requirements. Therefore, I advocate adapting the modeling rules to the specific domain in order to obtain reasonable models that meet the respective requirements.
  3. Function considered in detail: parameters are properties and characteristics that can take on a certain value.

Link to the video