TRIZ Consulting & Coaching

Monitored TRIZ Projects

What is a TRIZ project? How can TRIZ Consulting & Coaching help me?

We refer to projects as undertakings that extend over a longer period of time. A workshop, for example, concludes after one or two days. A project, on the other hand, consists of a series of workshops and meetings with the goal of penetrating a given topic in its entire depth. Basically, we act in a consulting and accompanying manner and provide your employees with tailored support throughout the entire process.

In the accompanying approach, we enable your developers to go through the individual steps of idea generation themselves and give you the security of having considered all possible directions. This approach generates solution concepts that meet with the acceptance of the developers, since they come from their own ranks. In return, the approach is generally a bit more tedious, since the methods used must first be explained, but in the long run the participants always benefit from the newly learned ways of thinking and methods!

If you want to have a large number of ideas or even prototypes generated, then this can be done in collaboration with TRIZ-trained engineering agencies. Depending on the type of ideas desired and the subject matter to be addressed, we can work with our partners to generate a large number of ideas in a relatively short time.

We are happy to help you with the individual planning and implementation
of a TRIZ Consulting & Coaching project!

Already completed TRIZ projects

Technology Forecast

Using 9-field thinking, the history of products was examined to better place them in the known trends of technology evolution. Main Parameters of Value analysis was used to identify parameters for which the customer will pay more if satisfactorily fulfilled.

In the S-curve analysis, these parameters are estimated in terms of their potential possible growth and current fulfillment. Physical Parameter Determination can then be used to break down the usually fuzzy main parameters into concrete engineering parameters. One then tries to improve these parameters with hints from the trends of the technology evolution in order to be able to predict the next development step.

Using this approach, one customer was able to generate over 120 product ideas. An accompanying approach with five in-house workshops was chosen.

Ratio project

An initial brainstorming workshop and a two-day TRIZ workshop had already been held for one product. After 196 concept ideas had already been generated in these two workshops, the client still wanted to have an unused external view of the product.
A project was started in which students generated another 98 ideas using TRIZ methods. Three of these ideas could be implemented immediately without much effort and resulted in savings of 70,000 euros per fiscal year.

Remote development coaching

A group of TRIZ-trained engineers wanted to reduce the main dimensions of their product by 20% in China. Over the course of two months, the results and the goal were discussed every week by means of a conference call. The coach gave advice on which next methodological steps would be useful.
The result of the methodological work was discussed in the next conference call and the next work was assigned.

Within the two months, the group of Chinese developers, under the guidance of the coach, found a solution on how to reduce the dimensions to the desired level.