The basic work “Trends of Engineering System Evolution (TESE). TRIZ paths to innovation” was published in hardcover in 2018. Now it is finally available as an ebook: free for users of Kindle unlimited, for a reasonable 2.74 euros to buy on Amazon. Thus hopefully every TRIZ enthusiast can obtain the book, which is supported by MATRIZ and MATRIZ Official and recognized as training material.
The authors Alex Lyubomirskiy, Dr. Simon Litvin, Dr. Sergei Ikovenko, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian M. Thurnes and Dr. Robert Adunka have incorporated their research results and practical experience:
The first two chapters provide a basis for understanding the structures of the trends. Chapter 3 shows correlations between the performance of the most important value parameters of a technical system and the stages of the S-curve. The authors describe the stages of the S-curve in detail, identify their causes and indicators, and provide recommendations for system design at each stage of development. Chapter 4 describes the hierarchical structure of the TESE and explains the individual trends and sub-trends in detail. Many graphics and photos of examples from various industries and technical areas accompany the chapters and highlight the wide range of possible applications of the method.