Gesucht: Anwendungsbeispiele für TRIZ aus der Praxis

Prof. Iouri Belski arbeitet am Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) daran, TRIZ in die Ausbildung von Ingenieuren zu integrieren. Dazu soll bis März 2017 ein webbasiertes Archiv mit Unterrichtsmaterialien und Modulen zum selbstständigen Lernen entstehen mit Entscheidungshilfen für Studienanfänger.
Ein wichtiger Bestandteil sollen reale Anwendungsbeispiele aus der industriellen Praxis sein. Professor Belski sucht hierfür noch weitere Beispiele und bittet um Mithilfe.

Im Folgenden finden Sie seine Anfrage im englischsprachigen Original:

„The Australian Government recently awarded Professor Iouri Belski from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with the National Senior Teaching Fellowship titled: “Educating the Edisons of the 21st Century: Embedding tools of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) into the engineering curriculum”.

Together with his academic colleagues from Germany, Italy, France, Finland Czech Republic and Russian Federation Iouri is building a web-based repository of TRIZ teaching materials (under Creative Commons licence). By March of 2017 this repository will contain teaching materials and self-learning modules on four to seven simple TRIZ heuristics that will suit undergraduate students. By 2018 it will be expanded to 12 heuristics.

In addition to TRIZ teaching materials the Fellowship website will contain real examples of TRIZ application in industry that can illustrate practical application of TRIZ tools. A number of examples have already been provided to Professor Belski and more examples are needed.

If you can share a case study of practical application of TRIZ with Professor Belski, please contact him at All materials that will be offered by his Fellowship web repository will clearly identify people and companies that provided the material.“