Das TRIZ Research and Development Council of MATRIZ (TRDC) bereitet die Webinarreihe “New Developments in TRIZ” in englischer Sprache (mit Simultanübersetzung in russisch) vor. Damit möchten die Initiatoren einerseits TRIZ-Spezialisten ansprechen und mit starken Trends und Herausforderungen im modernen TRIZ bekannt machen und gleichzeitig eine Diskussion und gemeinsame Weiterentwicklungen der Methode fördern:
The first webinar in the series will review the use of TRIZ in services. Over the past two decades, services have become the most vibrant sector of economy (e. g., in the US it accounts for 77 % of the GDP), and are ever more linked to enhancing the customer appeal of consumer and other products. Increasingly, TRIZ specialists get involved in service-related innovation projects. There is a tangible need in adapting existing and developing new TRIZ tools to tackle this challenge.
The webinar will address the following issues:
- Service innovation – definition
- Areas and categories of service innovation
- How TRIZ is currently used to support service innovation.
- Examples of applications of TRIZ in services
- Challenges
Title: TRIZ Approaches in Services
Webinar leader: Valeri Souchkov, TRIZ Master, member of TRDC.
Date: 16 June 2021
Time: 07:00 (Boston),13:00 (Brussel), 14:00 (Moscow), 16:30 (Delhi), 19:00 (Beijing), 20:00 (Seoul).
Duration: 2 hrs (including 30 minutes for Q&A).
Language: English (with synchronous translation to Russian).
Platform: Zoom, by invitation
To participate, you need to register. Link to the registration: http://www.triz-event.com/registration_16062021.htm